Friday, July 24, 2009

Pilates: How it benefits runners, bikers, and you!

Pilates benefits everyone. Including athletes. Pilates is so often underlooked though for its ability to improve the body for popular activities. So I have decided to list some of the benefits Pilates would provide to bikers and runners, since it is the summer season, and they are everywhere! So here is a quick overview of the benefits of Pilates on popular activities!

What Exercise Problems Can Pilates Improve?

Here are a few running/cycling-specific issues that can be improved by doing Pilates regularly:


Rocking of pelvis on seat
Knees rolling in or out
Too much movement in the upper body
Poor neck posture
Tight chest muscles
Tight calves/hips
Overstretched and weak back muscles
Wrist issues
Muscular imbalances
Movement efficiency
Tight iliotibial (IT) band


Feet and/or knees rolling in
Hips dropping or twisting
Increased movement in lower back
Short stride length
Tight hamstrings/hips
Tight calves
Tight IT band
Weak inner thighs
Muscular imbalance

Pilates is so effective for athletes because it retrains the body to use the muscles more efficiently, thus conserving energy. An endurance athlete such as a runner, cyclist, or bi/tri-athlete who trains several hours a week, and who is not using the correct muscles efficiently, will find that early fatigue will destroy the technique of your stride or stroke. Also, Pilates offers what all athletes need the most: core strengthening, which helps to improve performance in both running and biking (and pretty much anything involving sports). Pilates works so effectively at the core, because it strengthens all the muscle layers. Pilates works extremely deeply and effectively to not just work all the core muscles, but to also establish control of the muscles providing functionality, stability, and balance to the pelvis and spine.

Pilates is amazing for runners, cyclists, and other athletes. Developing a strong core has huge rewards and can help you achieve your fitness goals.

My next article will go into more depth, and in particular the benefits of Pilates in golf. Golf is a sport that is played by millions, and is one of the leading causes of back problems. Pilates wasn't invented to improve a golf swing, but when you look at the functions of Pilates and the benefits it's not hard to have many people fooled. Pilates is the best form of exercise for golf (just ask Tiger Woods)!

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